Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday, June 10

We're just about ready for the dedication of the new apartment complex. At this writing we have 20 very excited men and women who will be moving into their own homes on Thursday. Two more are still completing the final paperwork.

I have never been so exhausted in my life...while at the same time so deliriously happy. This project is a dream come true for many...and it gives hope to many more.

The furniture has been in place a few days...today we started moving in the furnishings. Everything is provided...pots and pans, dishes, glasses, silverware, sheets, towels, blankets, lamps...and we haven't gone into debt one penny. This community is so generous.

I've continued to do the puzzles...in fact, Don has done the last three with me. He may be getting hooked.

Thanks for all of your encouraging emails and your good wishes. I'll be back to blogging soon...give me a little time to rest after the dust settles ; )

Linda G


wendy said...

The puzzle will be here when you return. What you're doing is far more important.

Howard B said...

Very proud of you and your work. Nothing quite as satisfying as helping others.
As fun as all this puzzling is, that's way more important ;).

All the best,