The theme answers are all puns...cleverly clued in relation to college campuses.
20A: Polishing machines at an Ithaca campus? (CORNELL SANDERS)...the only real groaner of the bunch.
35A: Trustee group at an Atlanta campus? (EMORY BOARD).
43A: Thoroughfare at a New Orleans campus? (TULANE ROAD) favorite.
53A: Rental arrangement at a Milwaukee campus? (MARQUETTE SHARE). That was actually pretty good, too...but I needed the crosses to get it.
Favorite answer...60A: Letters that must be bought on "Wheel of Fortune" (AEIOU). I wonder how many of you put an S at the end of it...I did.

How serendipitous to see 41A: Zellweger of "Chicago" (Renée) in today's puzzle, since I mentioned her in yesterday's blog. No one commented on the photo of her in that gorgeous dress at the Academy Awards, so I'll run it again.
There were two semi-gross answers in the puzzle. 16A: Prenatal sites (wombs) and 65A: Lice-to-be (nits). Actually, for some, there's a third...29D: Vegetarian's protein source (tofu)...although I happen to like the stuff.

I'm not familiar with the quote at 4D: John who wrote "Love built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies" (Donne). I'll have to look into it tomorrow.

One last thought...40A: Old Michael Jackson 'do ('fro)...I had to include this picture. I can't bring myself to post the after to this before.
That's it for tonight. Here's the grid...

...and I'll see you tomorrow.
Linda G
I fell victim to intentional misdirection, and confidently filled in "newt" at 1 across. Anyone else do that? Other than that, I found it Monday easy.
Thanks, my haste last night, I forgot to mention that one. Every cartoon witch that I recall used eye of newt in her potions ; )
I was about to to the same but before I did I looked at the other clues and averted the mistake. I agree it was Monday easy, probably because I knew all the Colleges off the bat.
Linda, I am sure that you and Don will provide Elaine the necessary support and that she will do the right thing
Hey, nice dress there on RENEE! ;)
And thank you for sparing us the Jacko of today in your picture selection. Would have been a breakfast test problem.
Good luck on the home front. You have a tough job to do, but Elaine will probably later BLESS you for it.
Thanks for the good wishes, Bob and Wendy.
Wendy saved you all...I won't post Renee and the dress again tonight. I just thought it was incredibly gorgeous, and she wore it so well. Of course, if you're a size 2, you can probably wear anything well ; )
Linda, I hope for the best for Elaine. I find that these things always work out. They just suck while they are working out.
I had newt as well. Didn't take long to fix but threw me off for a moment.
It was fun. Fun in the sense that I was not comfortable naming the universities until I had the crosses to confirm them. Yes, the correct answer is eye of newt even if toad is the right answer.
I too had a child decide against a marriage, and I cannot say that it was a wrong decision. Life is a journey, not a destination.
Best Lucy
This was Monday easy, though I did immediately fill in newt, instead of TOAD. The theme was easy too, since I knew all the colleges.
Renee's dress was beautiful, Linda, but I think Ann Hathaway stole the show with her gorgeous red gown. But then, she wasn't in the crossword puzzle. ;)
Sorry to hear about the problems on the homefront, but Elaine will thank you in the end for helping her to do what's necessary. We had a similar situation with our son, and he is now happily married to someone else. It wasn't easy, but he's much better off. Best of luck to you all.
Annielee, I so agree about Anne Hathaway. She is a beauty, and she was very well appointed the other night. Oh and speaking again of RENEE, if y'all haven't seen one of my favorite movies with her, Down With Love, run, do not walk, to the nearest computer terminal and order it up. (I know, you're already *at* a computer terminal.) Or go to Blockbuster if you must. She is a gifted comic actress and this is one of those movies that I have watched over and over again because of it. The whole thing is an absolute riot. Great production values, and there's one scene that should go down in history as the best satire on suggestiveness in the movies. I am laughing right now just thinking about it.
Elaine probably doesn't want to hear that strangers on the internet are wishing her well, but I think in the long run she'll be relieved—as will you and Don. And she'll have much more interesting baggage! "My ex-fiancé" sounds dramatic.
Actually, Elaine was quite touched to know that my cyberfriends were supporting her decision.
Thank you all...from the bottom of my heart.
just now reading of the elaine situation. i hope all turned out well.
i woulda commented on renee's dress yesterday if i could have stopped drooling long enough...
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