FIVE times six. And the six theme answers are:
17A: Eisenhower was one (Five Star General).
23A: 2:30, aboard ship (five bells) expression I've never heard.
49A: Rests for a bit (takes five).

57A: Shortly after quitting time, for many (quarter past five).
3D: Nickel (five cents).
32D: Request for a congratulatory slap (gimme five).
The only thing missing is...these guys.
It wasn't an incredibly brilliant theme, but I thought the puzzle was fun, fairly easy for a Tuesday, and had a fair share of non-crosswordese fill.
5A: Virus named for a river (Ebola). I know we've had it before, but it's a good word.
15A: U.S./Canada early warning system (NORAD)...North American Aerospace Defense Command.

I'm impressed to see two international capitals in one puzzle...30A: Ho Chi Minh's capital (Hanoi) and 46A: Chiang Kai-shek's capital (Taipei).
53A: "Waiting for Lefty" playwright (Odets).
49D: Brimless cap (toque). I can't find a good-looking one on a model, but here's one on a clear plastic head. It's a pretty fancy name for a plain ol' hat.
I always like the cross of similarly spelled this case 1A: Home in an old warehouse district (loft) and 1D: Brit's elevator (lift).
We've had the French ete (meaning summer) a few times in the last month, so this time it was a gimme, despite the clever clue...65A: Hot times in France (etes).
I beg to differ with the answer for 50D: At least 21 (adult). Adulthood doesn't come with any particular age. I was an adult at 17, and I know 50-somethings who aren't adults yet.
And that's it for tonight. If you read the post for the Monday puzzle, you know I've had a major issue with spam in the comments section. Since I added word verification, I haven't had one. I'll try taking it out at the end of the week and see what happens.
Here's the grid...

...and I'll see you tomorrow.
Linda G
Here's the grid...

...and I'll see you tomorrow.
Linda G
Linda...the problem with my cat is that he will eat all day if I let him...I try to keep him on a schedule of breakfast at 7:00 and dinner at 6:00
Cornbread...thanks for the information. I appreciate it.
Would have responded yesterday, but the day ran away from me!!!
is anyone else having a problem getting today's is 5:30 AM EST and todays puzzle is not up on my computer...ugh!!!
I hadn't seen the figure 5 in the puzzle's black squares until I read Donald's blog. Amazing how I can miss something that's staring me right in the face!
If you still can't get today's puzzle here's a link to it:
Today's puzzle
click on the today link under "Daily"
I didn't see that big fat 5 either; that's probably the only truly interesting thing about this puzzle.
Which still isn't up at the site (except via the Forum section - thanks for the tip, Linda and Rick). Too much crosswordese, I thought, with cluing nowhere near as clever as yesterday's. I like saying the word OMSK, though!
I didn't see the 5 either...thanks, Luigi. And thanks, Wendy, for mentioning OMSK. Don't know how I failed to point that out.
To eliminate frustration in the future, I'll just go directly to the Forum site at 10:00 more waiting and waiting at the NYT puzzle site. I imagine several others will now do the same. Thanks for sharing that tip, Rick.
Bob, I was wrong...last night at 5:30, Dooley was carrying on like I was starving him to death. I guess the time change affected him after all ; )
Thank you Rick I appreciate the tip!!
Linda I am glad that my cat is not the only pet who has an issue with time changes!!!!
Have a good day
I'm lucky. I fill my cat's bowl in the morning and he eats when he wants. Have never had a weight problem with him.
I forgot to mention that I loved seeing the Dave Clark FIVE in the image gallery today, Linda. I never preferred them to the Beatles, but for some reason it thrilled me that one of them had the same birthday as me, I remember that ridiculous factoid.
Wendy, I'm glad you noticed the Dave Clark Five. I'm with you...the Beatles were always it for me. But I did enjoy some of the DC5's songs, and it seemed only natural to think of them with this puzzle.
When I first saw the grid, I thought the center might contain an S and was expecting a related theme. Only when I finished did I realize that my S was a 5. The nicest feature of the puzzle, I think.
Is it me or is it a preference on your part to not let this page be maximized?
I couldn't get the puzzle on line last night or this morning before work. Didn't see the 5 either until I read about it here.
Rick, I haven't done anything (that I'm aware of) that would cause that. Does anyone else have that problem?
Tonight I'm going straight to the Forum to get the puzzle. It's much faster, and I swear less ; )
If you use AcrossLite to solve the puzzle, just use this url and alter the date.
The puzzle is always up at about 9:58pm EST.
linda, regarding rick's question about the size of this comment page, if you want to change it, go to: new post/settings/comments, then click "no" for "show comments in a popup window." then, save settings.
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